Monday, November 29, 2010

Tales From The Big Casino Chapter 14

Okay. It's rounding third and heading for home now kiddies. Tomorrow, Nov 30 @ 9 am is my appointment to find out if the cancer is gone. I'm just trying not to think about it. If it's gone it's gone. If not, it's not. Either way I'm broke as hell. Can't buy my wife a fucking thing for her upcoming birthday, or for Christmas. I'm back at work for 2 days a week. Trust me, it's all I can handle. I slept for 12 hours last night after two 4 hour shifts on Friday and Saturday. Sigh. I know it's to be expected after chemo. But it still sucks.
   Speaking of things in my life that suck. This PC is about shot. I haven't been able to burn a dvd since May. But I could use my windows movie maker program. That's gone. I made the mistake of trying to open it Friday afternoon. Stinking thing froze. I tried to shut it down and got frustrated and left. Eight hours later it's still frozen.
Life Sucks.